Top 10 Tips for Promoting Healthy Sleep
(in children birth to 10 years old)
This webinar reviews strategies that are backed by science and strategies that have proven to be successful based on
my clinical experience.
This webinar is periodically offered via a live webinar; however, now you can access it anytime, at your convenience for just $10!
To learn more about additional training opportunities, please visit Access Behavior Trainings.

"I enjoy sharing in the laughs, witnessing the milestones, and offering support during the struggles."
Hi, I'm Tina Hanson. Here's a picture of me, smiling next to my twins. When they were younger, I wasn't always smiling as it was one of the most stressful, yet joyous, times of my life! They blessed me with their presence 7 weeks early on Christmas morning. Due to their early arrival, they needed a little extra help reaching certain developmental milestones, so they received services through Colorado Early Intervention. Had I been honest at the time of their evaluation, I would have talked about the incredible amount of stress that I felt as a new mom of twins. Sharing my struggles could have resulted in us qualifying for services from a social emotional therapist to help us through those times. But I was too proud, after all I was a behavior analyst working in the field of behavior health for years by that point. I was supposed to have a handle on things, right? It hasn't been until recently that I realized how much I needed someone like me to help guide me through those stressful times. Now I'm fortunate to help families who are facing similar struggles.

Read what parents are saying....
Acquiring healthy sleep habits is necessary in order for a child to learn through play and critical to develop self-regulation skills to calm. A child who doesn't have the quality and quantity of sleep needed will have difficulty learning and calming.
I can help you develop healthy sleep habits for your child which can be a transformation to not only your child, but your entire family. Give your family the gift of sleep today.
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Sleep Problems
Refusing to go to bed or staying in bed
Inability to fall asleep without the presence of a caregiver
Frequent night awakenings
Pediatric insomnia
Sleep duration too short for age
Refusing to nap
Confusing days and nights
Sleep terrors
Sleep issues related to challenging behaviors such as self-injurious behavior, aggression, etc.
Sleep issues associated with special needs such as ADHD and Autism.
Play & Calm
Children learn valuable social-emotional skills through play; however, this will look different based on the age of the child. For younger children, I demonstrate different ways to teach children social-emotional skills during playtime and coach parents as they take the lead. For older children, I teach strategies based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT is fun and interactive! After I introduce the concepts to the child, I meet with the parents to coach them on how they can use the strategies during the week.
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Find Answers Here
Do you offer remote consultations?
Yes. Sleep assessment and treatment can be delivered via telehealth. If you live in the Denver metro area, we can set up a home-based visit if needed/preferred.
How can I start working with you?
Send an email Tina@sleepplaycalm.com and I will get back to you within 48 hours. I no longer have a business phone number due to the high amount of spam phone calls.
How should I prepare for my initial consultation?
Your first 15 minute consultation is free and the purpose of this is to determine if the issue your child is having is within my area of expertise. If we decide to work together, I will give you a sleep diary to complete and an initial questionnaire. At our first official appointment, I will review these documents along with asking additional questions to determine the best treatment strategies for you and your family.
What age range of children do you provide sleep services to?
I work with children from 12 months to 10 years old. I can work with older children on a case-by-case basis. Please contact me to discuss.
What if my child's sleep disturbance is related to anxiety/separation anxiety?
Every child can learn to develop healthy sleep habits, regardless of diagnosis. Children with anxiety may need a slower approach and may benefit from working on daytime goals before addressing bedtime/sleep goals.
Do you work with kids with special needs such as ADHD, Autism, or other types of neurodivergencies ?
Yes. My expertise is assessing and designing treatment plans that can work with children with and without special needs.
Do you treat medical causes of sleep disturbances?
No. If you suspect there is a medical reason underlying the sleep issue you should make an appointment with your child's pediatrician asap. Symptoms related to medical causes include, but are not limited to, the following: snoring, trouble breathing, sheets and bedding in complete disarray in the morning, and excessive daytime sleepiness despite getting the recommended amount of sleep based on age.
How do I find a competent sleep specialist?
Because there is no regulatory board in the U.S. that oversee or certify sleep coaches, The Pediatric Sleep Council came up with a guide to help parents find a competent sleep coach. sleep coach education final.pdf - Google Drive
What makes you a competent sleep specialist?
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has stated that the first-line treatment for behaviorally related sleep problems (i.e., not medically based sleep problems) in children is using a behavioral approach. Because I have a master's degree in Behavior Analysis and Therapy and am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with over 20 years of experience, I feel confident in treating sleep issues using a behavioral approach. I received additional training in behavioral approaches specific to sleep problems by attending professional workshops and trainings, reading sleep-related books and research articles, and undergoing a mentorship by Dr. Brett Kuhn, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology at the Munroe-Meyer Institute and director of behavioral sleep medicine at the Children's Sleep Disorders Center at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Mindell JA, Kuhn B, Lewin DS, Meltzer LJ, Sadeh A; American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Behavioral treatment of bedtime problems and night wakings in infants and young children. Sleep. 2006 Oct;29(10):1263-76. Erratum in: Sleep. 2006 Nov 1;29(11):1380. PMID: 17068979.
What is your hourly rate?
$125/hour. Please see the "Services" section in the menu at the top for a breakdown on the approximate cost for a sleep assessment and plan. Your first 15 minute phone call is free of charge.

Sleep Play Calm
Sleep and Behavior Consultant